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How Property Managers Can Improve Efficiency with a Database

If you are a property manager, you know how difficult it can be to keep track of your properties. From leasing to maintenance to income, there is a lot to maintain!

To help run their real estate businesses, property managers use databases. But, not all database programs are created equally. Some software is expensive and doesn’t let you customize the program. Other software comes with a learning curve, which means you’ll have to take time out to learn the database.

If your current system is not working for you, consider setting up a database through Microsoft Access. It’s cost-effective, streamlined and powerful. Plus, there are templates designed specifically for real estate professionals.

What are the Benefits of Using MS Access for Property Management?

Microsoft Access is a simple and straightforward database that doesn’t overcomplicate anything. We recommend it to property managers because of the templates available and the ability to track tenants, prices, maintenance and more. Let’s take a more detailed look at the benefits to using Access to manage your rental properties.

  • Efficient leasing terms. When you’re renting out multiple properties, it’s hard to keep track of everyone’s leases. What if someone walks into your office and asks about future rentals? A database allows you to rent out your properties efficiently, serving more customers and reducing vacancies.
  • Updated financials. Need a better handle on your financials? A database will help. Keep track of who has paid their rent and who still needs to. Issue extensions or late payments as needed and stay on top of your financials. The last thing you want is a deficit.
  • Streamlined maintenance. A tenant called with a leaky faucet. Another said their AC wasn’t turning on. To keep track of maintenance requests, use a database. This way, you can send the proper tools, equipment and staff to the right properties to make repairs quickly and accurately. This also keeps tenants satisfied!
  • Accessible contact info. Keep your tenants’ account information front and center. This makes it easy to contact them in a pinch and know who you are speaking to.

Using Microsoft Access to Manage Properties

Whether you lease out a few properties or hundreds, Microsoft Access can help. There are templates available for property managers, so find one that is customized to your needs. When you find a template you like, download it and start updating and organizing your information. Communication and collaboration will be improved, allowing you to run a more efficient property management business.

Your software should be working for you, not the other way around. If you are interested in learning more about MS Access and how it can work for your property management business, contact Arkware today.


10 Effective Ways to be More Productive at Work

Do you ever feel that people in your workplace are praised for working fast rather than smart? This is the wrong way to approach productivity. In fact, it can hurt productivity levels because of increased errors and a lower quality of work.

Being productive is more than working quickly. It also means putting your time to good use and making smart, strategic decisions. It may take your coworkers longer to appreciate this type of work, but stick with it and no one will be disappointed.

Here are ten effective ways to be more productive in the workplace.

1. Keep a list. Always write down the things you must accomplish for the day. You should have one or two big goals to focus on as well as smaller goals to help you meet them. As you complete a task, cross it off so that you feel proficient.

2. Close your emails. It’s tempting to keep your email open and read every message that comes your way. Unfortunately, this is disruptive and breaks your train of thought. Instead, reserve certain times during the day to read messages and write responses.

3. Find a good noise level. Some people work better in silence while others need background noise. Find your balance. You may have to work this out with your coworkers by wearing headphones. (Hopefully they will do the same for you!) Some say that listening to classical music is relaxing when working with databases.

4. Use automation. Many workplace tasks can be automated. Don’t be afraid to use this technology. For example, Microsoft Access allows you to automate and schedule tasks so that your databases run more smoothly.

5. Use productivity tools. There are a plenty of tools to help you stay focused during your work days. Some of our favorites include Evernote, HootSuite and Rescue Time. There are plenty more, so experiment with the various apps, widgets and tools that help manage time.

6. Be smart about meetings. If you are leading meetings, only invite the people that need to be there. Otherwise, the meeting might go off topic and disrupt those who could be spending their time completing other tasks.

7. Take regular breaks. Don’t skip your breaks or lunch. To perform well, your brain and body needs time to decompress. Plus, research shows that regular breaks increase motivation, enhance productivity and lead to fresh ideas.

8. Be flexible to interruptions. Interruptions are a nuisance, but they happen. Be realistic about them and when/where they can happen. If you find that you can’t stay focused, be proactive by wearing noise-cancelling headphones or using these opportunities to take a break.

9. Avoid multitasking. People pride themselves on multitasking, but research shows that it actually kills productivity levels. Instead, focus on one task at a time. If you are limited, allot a certain amount of time for each task and then move on.

10. Choose snacks and drinks wisely. The afternoon slump can be avoided by getting fresh air, drinking water or tea and eating a high-protein snack. Once you find what works for you, you can be productive all day long!


How Often Should You Back Up Your Databases?

Scheduling regular backups is one of the most important things you can do for your databases. If there is a system failure or trouble restoring an object, you can rely on the backup copy of your database. Some people don’t want to keep an extra copy of their database because it takes up room, but consider that this is an investment in your current database. If you have multiple users using your database, a backup is even more crucial.

Let’s talk about the importance of planning regular backups and how to perform the action.

Planning Regular Backups

We’ve all been there. You sign into your database, only to discover that some of the data has been corrupted and you have nothing to fall back on. Rather than waiting until this happens, think ahead by planning regular backups. If you have multiple users working in the database, everyone will need to exit the database before the backup can be completed. Otherwise, not everything will be saved appropriately.

When to backup your database depends on a couple of factors.

  • If your database is archived, you only need to run a backup if you change the data or design.
  • If your database is actively used, it’s best to create a regular schedule for backing up the data. This could be every week or every other week.
  • If your database has multiple users, backup your database with every design change.

How to Backup Your Database

Open the database that you want to create a backup for. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Click File, then Save As
  • Under File Types, click Save Database As
  • Under Advanced, click Back Up Database, then click Save As
  • In the Save As box, in the File Name box, create a name for your database
  • Select the file type and click Save

Your backup should always be a good copy of your database. You don’t necessarily need to use the Back Up Database command – you can retrieve any good copy that has been saved to a USB or external hard drive. The purpose of having a backup is to replace whatever was corrupted in your database with good data.

If you do choose to use the Back Up Database in Microsoft Access, open file Explorer and choose the backup copy of the database. Copy this to the location of the damaged database. In a few simple clicks, you have your original data to work with. Crisis averted!

If you have any other questions about working with a corrupted or damaged database, call Arkware. We can help you recover a corrupted database and protect your data in the future.


How Many Users Can Access Support?

One of the most common questions we hear from clients is how many users Microsoft Access is capable of supporting. It’s a misconception that Access can only support 20 users or less. In fact, the answer is quite the opposite. A well-designed database can support hundreds of users.

On the flip side, if a database is not designed properly, it may not support any users. In other words, as long as the Access solution is well-built by a knowledgeable database expert, your organization shouldn’t have any problems supporting multiple users.

The more important question, however, is how many users Microsoft Access can support at the same time. Let’s address this question so that you have a clearer understanding of how many people can use Access across your network.

Using Access with Simultaneous Users

Roughly 200 users (or more) can use Access simultaneously. That said, there are limitations based on what people are doing within the database. For example, if everyone is viewing data or entertaining data into a table, hundreds of users can be supported. This isn’t a lot of work and doesn’t require much power.

On the other hand, if users plan on running large reports and queries, fewer people will be able to use the database. The same number of users can be supported, but performance will be compromised. It’s similar to any type of technology. The more people using the Wifi in your home, the slower it becomes. This doesn’t mean that you can stream movies or upload pictures, but it does mean that the performance will be slower.

What if I Need to Support More than 200 Users?

If you need to support more people and/or need to allow more complex tasks, the best option is to have the back-end of the database in SQL Server. This way, you won’t have the same limitations as you will with the Jet database in Access. People can access the database from their front-end copy of the application. Still, SQL Server doesn’t solve everything. It can actually be slower than Access for some tasks. Always evaluate what users will be doing once inside the database, not just the number of users.

Arkware is your Microsoft Access database expert. Call us today for a free consultation and let’s discuss ways you can support a large number of Access users across your network.

5 Types of Database Repairs

Databases are very reliable, but they aren’t foolproof. At times, databases can become broken or corrupt. If you want to use your database again, you’ll need to have it repaired by a professional database company like Arkware. We are able to provide support for these types of situations by identifying the problem and getting your database up and running again. This means your business can be up and running, too!

First, let’s discuss the different types of database repairs that can happen. Next, we’ll talk about how to best handle your database if it’s compromised or inoperable.

Why Database Corruption Happens

Below are examples of why a database may experience problems.

  • Poor database structure. Sometimes, databases aren’t built correctly in the first place. Reasons for this include a lack of experience, a tight timeline or a shortage of skills. Updating your database can fix these problems.
  • Power outages. If you lost power for an extended period of time, it could have affected your database. You may have lost data, or it could have been corrupted.
  • Multiple user access. Access is designed for multiple users, but the more people using the database, the greater the risk for problems. It’s best to limit what users can do to avoid corruption.
  • Computer virus attack. Unfortunately, computer viruses do happen. If your system was affected by a virus, it should be looked at by a professional. Viruses have various spreading levels and damage capabilities.

How to Handle Database Corruption

If your data is compromised, the best thing to do is tune your system. You can do this by defragmenting and compacting your database. The defragmentation process requires you to place all files onto a hard drive to improve the speed of your program. Compacting optimizes how data is stored and avoids wasted space.

If your system stops working, you will need the help of an Access programming support company. Here at Arkware, we’ll asses the problem you’re having and find a solution. Some of the most common issues we see include inoperable applications, split databases, corrupted databases and lost records. We can even help with forgotten or lost passwords!

Your database is vital to your business. If you find your database compromised or inoperable, call Arkware for fast, reliable help!


Things to Know About Database Driven Websites

One of the biggest complications for website managers is the amount of information coming in. Between contact inquiries, lead information, product inventory and more, things get confusing quick! Some web managers start off using Excel to store information, but the wealth of data can be difficult to manage. When this happens, the best option is to upgrade to a relational database like Microsoft Access.

Microsoft Access allows you to manage data more effectively and create a database driven website. This way, you can add features such as submission forms, search boxes, login pages and more. Let’s learn more about database driven websites and the advantages they can bring to your business.

What is a Database Driven Database Exactly?

A database driven website is an example of a dynamic website. When a user visits one of your web pages, the page pulls information from your database. The information is the same each time it is loaded. Because the database and the website are connected through programming, the information is updated immediately.

Examples of database driven websites are:

  • Ecommerce platforms. With changing product prices, special offers, inventory and more, ecommerce platforms need to be constantly updated.
  • Content management systems (CMS). With a CMS, users can easily update web content without needing a background in programming. Content management systems include WordPress and Joomla.
  • Blogs. Most blogs are database driven because they contain comments, likes from users and updates from various writers.

Benefits of Database Driven Websites

If you are considering a database driven website for your business, there are clear advantages to consider. These sites do cost more and require strong backup services, but they can make all the difference in the experience you deliver to customers.

  • Faster and easier to update content. A few clicks allow webmasters to update content.
  • Add data-driven capabilities. Bring your website to life by adding capabilities such as submission forms, searchable directories, feedback forms, membership management and more.
  • Changes made in real-time. Most changes that are made on the site are updated in real time.
  • Ideal for ecommerce sites. Ecommerce sites are complex and need new products added, price changes updated and special offers applied. Linking a database to the site keeps this information current and accurate.
  • No need for specialized programming knowledge. Multiple users can go in and make changes to the site without having a background in HTML. Updates can be made to the database and the information will be pulled to the site.
  • High scalability. Database driven sites offer room for growth. You can change the graphics, update the layout or add interactivity features.
  • Less risk for error. Manually entering data can lead to errors, resulting in downtime, bugs and inaccurate information. When problems are managed on the front end, the user experience is improved.  

The first step in creating a database driven website is having a database that meets your needs. If your database needs work, call Arkware for a free consultation. We’ll optimize your current database or upgrade you to a new one that can be used with your site.