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7 Good Tech Habits All Employers Should Adopt

February 9th is Safer Internet Day, a day to recognize the importance of internet safety. It’s easy to take the internet for granted because it’s such an integral part of our everyday lives and embedded in almost everything we do. But it’s still important to adopt good tech habits that will keep your information safe from hackers. 

Below are seven good tech habits that you and your colleagues should practice daily. 

1. Backup your computer. 

We probably sound like a broken record, but we can’t stress enough the importance of backing up your computer. No one is exempt from data loss, after all. Plus, backing up your files is incredibly easy. You can set it up to have your backups run automatically. This way, if there’s ever a problem, you can revert to your last save. 

2. Keep hard drives and desktops clean. 

A cluttered desktop makes things hard to find and slows down your productivity. It can also slow down your computer. Go through your desktop and get rid of files and folders you no longer need. Or at least condense your folders so that you can stay organized and find information quickly.

3. Avoid getting malware. 

Be sure to install a good antivirus software program on your computer to get rid of viruses and protect yourself from hackers. Even if you’re not getting viruses, you could still be spreading them to others. Here’s a good article on protecting your database from hackers. Aside from antivirus software, also encrypt all data. 

4. Stay safe on public WiFi.

If you have employees working remotely, make sure they stay safe on public WiFi. Chances are, some of your employees will be working from places like Starbucks, but using public WiFi can open up your data to all types of attacks. And, just because your employees use a password doesn’t mean it’s safe. Anyone who is on that network can access your data.

5. Be smart about internet scams.

Make sure that your employees are aware of hoaxes, scams and myths. Scammers are a lot more creative these days, so internet scams are not always hard to fall for. Educate employees on these hoaxes and how to avoid them. If something looks out of place, it probably is. 

6. Know the maintenance your computers need. 

All computers need routine maintenance to keep them in good working condition. Your IT team is responsible for this, but you can do your part as well. Some of the best things you can do include updating software, running antivirus software and backing up your hard drive. 

7. Use secure passwords. 

Even the most secure passwords aren’t that secure. Hackers are much more sophisticated these days so it’s much easier for them to uncover passwords. Also, saving your passwords to your browser isn’t that safe so choose a safe password manager instead. 

Practicing these habits will keep your sensitive information protected. If you’re concerned about how secure your database is, contact Arkware today. We can take a look at your database and make sure that all information is encrypted and secure.

How to Compact Your Database So it Runs Faster

As time goes by, it’s only natural that your database file is going to grow larger and larger. Some people assume that by deleting information, their database will shrink down, but it doesn’t work this way. Access doesn’t just remove the space once occupied by your queries and records. That space still remains in the database, which can leave it much larger than it needs to be. 

The problem with large databases is that they don’t perform as well as smaller ones. They take longer to load, and you want your queries and reports to run as fast as possible. Also, if the database is not regularly compacted, it’s more likely to be corrupted. Fortunately, it’s easy to compact your database so that it runs more efficiently. 

Introducing the Compact and Repair Command

The Compact and Repair Command removes excess from your database. Ideally, you should use this tool once a week or after making design changes. Here’s how to use this tool: 

  • Open the database and click Database Tools on the Ribbon.
  • Click the Compact and Repair Database button from the Tools group. 

Using this tool, you’ll see a status bar that lets you know how the compact process is progressing. When the progress bar is gone, this means the compact process is complete. In return, you get a much neater, faster and stable database file. If you’ve split your database, keep in mind you’ll have to compact both the front- and back-ends of the database. 

What if You Want to Compact Your Database Automatically? 

If you prefer to compact your database every time you close it, there is a way to do this. Some people like this option because the work is done for them automatically. Here are the steps to follow to set up this feature: 

  • Click the File tab on the Ribbon.
  • Click the Access Options button in the menu bar. 
  • Click Current Database from the list.
  • Check the Compact on Close box.
  • Click OK to save the changes.

One word of caution. When using Compact on Close, it’s for the front-end file only. Do not use Compact on Close on the back-end file because it can cause corruption if another user is working on the back-end at the same time. 

Still Having Trouble? Contact Arkware 

Compacting your database is how you get rid of the allotted space that your records and queries once took up. It’s important to compact your files often as this allows your database to run efficiently and reduces the risk for corruption. If your database is still running slow, contact Arkware for a more thorough look at your database. 


How to Troubleshoot These 3 Common Access Problems

Even though Microsoft Access is easy to use and understand, it still gives users a fair share of problems. Fortunately, most of these problems have a simple solution. And because Access is such a widely used database program, it’s easy to find advice from people who have experienced the same problems. 

Let’s look at three common Access problems and the best ways to solve them. 

1. Normalizing Empty Access Tables 

One of the most important things to do when building a database is building the table structures properly. This process is known as normalization and it prevents databases from having tables with redundant information. Redundancy isn’t a good idea for databases because it can lead to inconsistent data. 

To normalize your database, follow these steps: 

  • Examine each table. Are you repeating information unnecessarily? 
  • Identify duplicate information. Why are you repeating it? 
  • Break the table into two. Where there is redundant information, split that table into two tables. 
  • Repeat these steps until all redundancy is eliminated. 

2. Automatic Rounding 

Automatic rounding can be frustrating, but it’s an easy fix. By default, Access sets all number fields to accept long integers (negative or positive whole numbers). If you want to input numbers with decimals, you have to change the field-size setting so it can accept them. Here’s how to do it. 

  • Open the table in Design view and click the field that’s giving you trouble. 
  • On the General tab of the Properties area at the bottom of the screen, click the Field Size box. 
  • Click the down arrow at the end of the box and select Single, Double or Decimal from the drop-down menu. 

3. Autocorrect 

Autocorrect is meant to be a useful tool, but sometimes, it can be an aggravating one. Databases contain a lot of acronyms, part numbers and unique names that you won’t want changed. In fact, you might not even realize that the Autocorrect feature is changing these words until it’s too late. 

There are two ways to solve this problem: 

  • Turn off Autocorrect entirely. Click the File tab, click the Options button and select Proofing. Click the Autocorrect Options button and uncheck some or all of the boxes. 
  • Undo Autocorrect as it happens. Press Ctrl+Z right after Autocorrect changes your data entry. This will return the entry to the way you entered it. 

Whether you’re facing these common issues or others, it helps to have a team of database experts on your side. Arkware offers Access database programming, development and support. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your database run smoothly!


5 Tips for Managing Your Teams While Social Distancing

Managing a remote team isn’t easy, but this is the reality for many businesses right now. Fortunately, there are ways to make the most of your remote teams and ensure your employees remain connected, motivated and productive. You’ll probably have to adjust your expectations and how work gets done, if you haven’t done so already. 

Below are five tips for managing your teams while social distancing (be sure to also read our post on keeping your data safe while working remotely). This is a work in progress, and certainly something that we’re all getting used to, so be patient. It will take time to find your groove! 

1. Reset Your Expectations 

Most teams are used to working together in the same office, under the same working conditions. However, this isn’t possible when you have employees working from home. Rather than stressing you and your employees out, it’s better to reset your expectations. 

For example, you may have to let go of how and when tasks are accomplished. As long as your teams are completing their work on time and according to your standards, it’s okay to grant them more flexibility with their days. 

2. Keep in Touch Daily

Shorter communication cycles are more effective than long ones. Translation: You don’t need hours-long meetings to get your teams working productively. Simply keep in touch to get updates and let them know you’re available. We recommend checking in every day, at least once. Instant messaging is perfect for this. A quick group huddle over video also works well and keeps teams accountable. 

3. Provide Continued Education 

Keep your teams moving forward by providing them with educational tools, short lessons, workshops and more. Focus on shorter lessons that are under a half hour and easy to consume. You can then host a quick meeting or discussion about the relevance of the information and how it can be applied to your business operations. 

4. Assign Buddies and Peer Coaches 

For built-in support, consider assigning buddies and peer coaches to your teams. These leaders can provide your teams with mutual support and ensure that everyone is working toward their goals. You can also rotate this leadership role between several different people. If your employees haven’t had experience with this role, offer them some guidance on coaching

5. Assess Stress Levels 

At the end of the day, remember that we are all people navigating some very difficult times. Check in with your employees on a personal level and let them know that their well-being is your main concern. Opening up these lines of communication also allows for more honest feedback. To gather quantitative feedback, send out a survey or poll. 

Here at Arkware, we know firsthand how challenging these times can be. We are here for our clients, just as they are for their own staff and customers. Let us know if we can help your business run more productively during COVID-19 with an upgraded database, cloud computing or software update.


How Your Small Business Can Benefit from Cloud Computing

There are over 30 million small businesses in the U.S., and without a doubt, they are the backbone of our economy. These businesses provide job opportunities and facilitate growth and innovation. However, small companies must be creative with their resources, as they don’t have the same financial cushion as their larger counterparts. 

One of the most difficult decisions that small businesses have to make is what technology to use. Some technologies aren’t necessary but others are. And cloud computing is one of them. If your business is considering migrating to the cloud, there are many benefits to consider. 

What is Cloud Computing? 

Cloud computing is the delivery of various services through the internet. It’s a great way for small businesses to rent computing power, reduce costs and increase productivity. 

Some companies have moved everything to the cloud, while others follow a hybrid approach that combines both a local server and cloud computing. Dedicated servers refer to physical hardware that serves only your company, while cloud servers are located in a third-party data center. 

What are the Advantages of Cloud Computing? 

Cloud computing is a major shift from how businesses traditionally think about IT resources. Here are the main benefits of adopting cloud computing like Microsoft Azure into your business. 

  • Reduced cost. Cloud computing eliminates the expense of buying hardware and software programs, running data centers, paying IT experts for managing infrastructure and more. Instead, everything is outsourced to the third-party data center.
  • Greater efficiency. Most cloud computing services are on demand, so the resources you need can be supplied when you need them. This gives your business the flexibility it needs. 
  • Enhanced productivity. Rather than having your IT staff deal with software patching, hardware setup and more, they can spend their time achieving more important business goals. 
  • Stronger security. Many cloud providers, including Microsoft Azure, offer a broad range of policies, technologies and controls that will make your business more secure. All data is maintained at a central location, which is better than having it spread across many devices. 
  • Improved reliability. Cloud computing makes everything easier – data backups, disaster recovery, business continuity and more. And, if your business grows and you need additional IT hardware, it’s quick and easy to scale up your cloud solution. 

Microsoft Azure and Cloud Computing 

Migrating to the cloud is a big decision, but it’s something worth considering for your small business. You don’t have to move everything to the cloud – you may find it best to follow a hybrid approach. To learn more about Microsoft Azure and how it can benefit your business, contact Arkware today.